Saturday, April 2, 2016

observation 2

piulhgeard has a number library that isn't correctly founded.
the term here to use about a number library is where numbers are termed for letters where high number and low numbers are numbers where numbers and depth in length relation to radding into a character foudry. the character foudry is a display where in ncurses for Linux and Cygwin, the foudry possibility is relating to how the number library is attached to the dehsity relationship to how a possible high entropy number chaining phass is possible with the simple screen drawing functions.

here is something about the high entropy number library:

number () <-- possible number where depth is chained with function ()
struct {

 phass function(void*)() <-- where numbers are attached to a function in a pointer list

number possible n where possible numbers are achieved in uenom agreement

in uenom, the agreement for space is possible with ncurses where space can be prugaitively applied in drawing on the screen
the uenom possibility is a linguistic metaspace where linguistically space is allotted linguistic temoral

uenom a
uenom a <--replicate a with uenom space possible char
uenom space where replicating space isn't possible
uenom space where space is counting on moving inward towards a drawn character
uenom character where space is tonic before character is drawn
uenom character where space is tonic before a character is typed
uenom character where space is character where space moves without a character in terms addch move(xpos,ypos)
uenom space:
move the character towards a character and add a space template where a transistion from empty space is tonic before a character is typed
type a character then use the space to move the character in a high entropy number transistion

without the high entropy number library the chracters and the addch move possible screen drawing is in term moving stack cultures into terms where space is allowed to transition before characters are stored in the stack in relating to how characters typed in the terminal are to be placed in the stack with the terms
culture character stack char** pointer type
in the character culture there must be a filter handler
where the char** pointer type becomes a high order tranisition in orders whereas, the characters are to be filterd through a kernel

here is something to how a kernel functions

a character is a char stack poassible
a character then has a possible empty tonic culture where the character has a draw space where there is a empty draw

have then the kernel use empty space to make possible kernel aware development use the temoral bed of the draw curses functions to apply transistion possibles in two main moxive order with a high order culture of kernel transistion for empty shifts

a character is a
a kernel space is bed with the screen
the character is bed with the kernel in notion to how char is char**
the kernel must use a filter ** pass system to order transition in local ctx's

alow me to take a break....

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